Josef Anton Geiser (1945 - 2007)

He described himself as a "painting artist". He traveled and studied ancient cultures in Burma, France, India, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Japan, Nepal, Switzerland, Turkey, USA and exhibited his works in galleries, banks and hotels worldwide. His exhibitions in Japan and America were under the patronage of the Swiss embassy. In a tireless creative process, he used a wide variety of painting techniques and materials in uniquely combinations.
J.A Geiser's special personality always attracted spiritual seekers, who valued his vicinage because of the wholesome, joyful and mind-expanding atmosphere. In the last years of his life he was a spiritual teacher and therapist for many people.
Josef Anton Geiser was born in a prestigious family in Luzern, Switzerland. The family name “Geiser” dates back into the 13th hundred.
He begins to paint his first oil pictures as a self-taught artist. According to his own definition, a primary instinct drives him to create expressive oil works.
He begins to study at a business school. In 1966 he receives his diploma and starts to work in the UBS bank in Zürich, as a qualified banker. At the same time, he begins to show interest in collecting art.
His first exhibition takes place in Zürich at the June Culture Weeks. The displayed art works are his first oil painted portraits.
Start of professional work in the "Fine Arts". Studies of ancient cultures in Burma, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Nepal, Thailand and Turkey.
Cultural and artistic studies at the National Museum and Tate Gallery in London. Beginning of the creation of the TALE art series in Winterthur, Switzerland.
“TALE”: a self-invented mixed technique on paper, canvas, wood and glass
He achieves success through these paintings and numerous exhibitions followed in many countries around the world.
Residence: Akashi-City, Japan
Creation of the second TALE phase: “form and content, integration of colour”, which was funded by the Swiss embassy in Tokyo.
Receives a scholarship from the art museum Winterthur for the TALE paintings.
The exceptional energy of his art is repeatedly praised in the trade press and his work is recognized. During this time, he finds inspiration by the works of Zen masters such as Tao Chi and Haikus Baso.
Works in Troy, New York due to an invitation of Prof. Dr. David Nelson (RPI Troy, New York)
TALE 3rd phase: pictures are cut and reshaped
A joint exhibition with the paintings of Pablo Picasso, in the Hanshin Gallery, Osaka. Motif of the exhibition: "Famous Masters and New Discoveries".
He works under the patronage of the Swiss Embassy in Washington DC. Lives and paints in the house of Dr. Bunce in Petersburgh, New York.
TALE 4th phase: surrealistic content
These unusual, unforgettable paintings are exhibited in the largest galleries in Europe and America, like the Franz Bader Gallery (Washington D.C.) or the Georg Washington University.
Residence: Villasimius, Sardinia.
TALE 5th phase: “blue in silver in blue”
The “fairy tale series” ends and he begins to paints expressional paintings.
He creates about 100 stone and cement sculptures. The series "The Game of Light" is created. After completion, he destroys these artworks.He presents his new artworks at exhibitions in the Täschler Gallery (Winterthur) and in the Golden-Age Gallery Tokyo (art centre of the RCCA Troy, New York).
Residence: Don Alvaro, Extremadura, Spain
After participating in a drawing course at the art academy in Barcelona, he practices photorealistic pencil drawings, pen and silver pen, on the subject of Christian culture. Lives an isolated ascetic life away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Numerous exhibitions in the Täschler gallery in Winterthur.
Residence: Zürich, Swiss.
Creation of drawings with Japanese ink: "climbing a new mountain of life". Watercolors: "Discovery of Sacred Geometry". Images: "Quadratism" with gold leaf and silver.
Cultural and artistic studies in India, Switzerland, and the USA.
Creation of the series “transparent art”, acrylic paintings on acrylic glass. Followed by the collages: “Awareness of consciousness – self acceptance” and tree drawings with ink.
Exhibitions in Switzerland at the ERNTE 83 Gallery, Schaffhausen and the Hilton Hotel in Basel.
"I was still looking for artistic methods to reflect reality until I realized that it was necessary to start within myself. Using my technical skills to help", he will tell about this time. He begins to use new colours, leading to brighter and more dynamic paintings.
Sells all paintings in his studio.
Residence: Schaffhausen, Switzerland
TALE 6th phase: “black holes”
Exhibition in the “Zum weißen Engel” Gallery, Zürich, Switzerland.
Residence: Bielefeld, Germany
Creation of the aquarells, “Art of the Healing Meditaion” and acrylic paintings, “Holy Nature” and “Godly Nature”. These are acrylic landscapes in a post-expressionist style.
Exhibition at the “To the Water” Gallery in Bielefeld, Germany.
He sees the task of art as a mirror of the universal energy, the silence that fills the void. The sacred and invisible, which is hidden behind sounds, colours and their movement.
He starts to meditate, studies in India to fully understand, how forms and colours affect people.
Residence: Ahornberg, Germany.
A new life situation and the birth of son Amrito contribute to a very fruitful creative period. He starts to paint oil paintings in pastose style, combining black and the rainbow colours, leading to paintings with a special expressiveness.
Creation of the series: “Amrito-Paintings”, “Painted Art” and “Flowing Mountains”
Printings: “The eight songs of the earth”
These paintings are successfully shown in Hamburg at the “Art Hamburg Exhibition”.
His pictures are created in the moment, in the movement of the brush across the canvas, here and now, like the life of his growing son - all in the moment of eternity.
Residence: Neualbenreuth, Germany
Creation of the series: “Power of Colours”.
He opens the “Amrito Gallery”. Numerous exhibitions and literary readings are held there. The gallery becomes an attraction for cultural intelligence. A location of Geiser's new joint project, in which he develops ideas for the healing power and effects of art. In the same context, he participates in an exhibition in the author gallery "Painting, Letters, Music" in Munich with the painting "Pallas Athena", for which a famous Munich pianist created a musical improvisation.
Invents a foot reflex zone plate on the principle of the energy vibration of the "Kabbalistic Tree", which also serves as a wood relief image.
Creation of the series: “Dolphins” and “Birth of Water”.
He participates in the international exhibition “Sea-born” in Berlin. Here the combination of the micro and macro cosmos is the theme of his paintings. Therefore, he tries new artistic methods, in which he uses “dirty colours”. He describes them as colours, which have lost their luminosity due to the influence of their environment. The combination of bright, pure and dirty colours reflects for him the connection of earthly and spiritual principles.
Residence: Templin, Germany
TALE 7th phase: “colour ocean in heaven and hell”
Exhibition in the cultural Centre “C-Base” at the “Hackesche Höfe” in Berlin. There he performs live events, in which he paints large-format oil paintings in front of an enchanted audience.
Working in Berlin and Schaffhausen, he further develops his ideas for a harmonious life through the connection of art with nature and meditation, to develop the innate potential in every person.
Founds the academy of nature arts in connection with Aura Soma Interior. He loses the academy in the same year.
Residence: Kronhorst, Germany
Creation of the series: “Silence, here and now”, “friendly family” and “in harmony”
Numerous exhibitions in Rostock, Germany, i.e. in the gallery of the antique residence “Alter Hafen” and the “Vietgest” mansion.
Founds the “TA – art movement” (TA: egyptian god of creation)
Residence: Marlow-Tressentin, Germany
Creation of the series: “Transformation”- oil paintings on loose canvas and the “The Great Plenitude”.
The “TA – art movement” separates and he founds the “Uni of Cultures”, for which he writes the manuscript: “a silent writing”
Residence: Parkstein, Germany
Keeps working on the previous series and improves the combination of oil and acrylic.
He creates sculptures from wood: “the harmonic family”.
Creation of the series: “Zen (eye of god)” and keeps on working on the great plenitude.
TALE 8th phase: “Does the form structure itself or will the form dissolve into the world that is currently not visible to us?”
The “Uni of culture” grows and is funded.
He intensely works on meditation, holds speeches and seminars about “awareness and wholeness”.
The meditation school “Geiser” is founded.
Creation of his last series “speaking paintings” – A composition based on various CD discs with his voice recordings.
Different exhibitions in Weiden and Parkstein, Germany
A new phase of life begins because of a serious illness.
Josef Anton Geiser leaves his body on the 08.07.2007 in Weiden, Germany.
Art House Geiser
Olga Geiser
Brandweiher 36
D-92637 Weiden in der Oberpfalz
phone: 0049 961 388 3888